General Reference Resources

A growing list of places to begin your search for answers.

All resources on this page are free, can be accessed anywhere, and do not require any sort of special library login to access.

Need more help? You can always ask a librarian.

Directory of Open Access Journals

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to over 5 million articles from high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Digital Public Library of America

An enjoyable and browsable site featuring online exhibits about a variety of topics. It’s like visiting a museum online.

Google Scholar

Search for scholarly articles online. Scholarly articles are papers written by experts in their field, and these articles are critically evaluated and reviewed by other experts before being published.


GovInfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.

Library of Congress Digitial Collection

A collection of historical documents, photographs, and more. An excellent resource for teachers or curious minds.

National Archives

Explore US history through historical records, including documents, photographs, and military records. Also includes primary source lesson planning for educators.